There is a beehive of activity now in the 7300 block of Evergreen Way in central Everett as crews work to open Chevrolet of Everett. In addition to the construction jobs that have been pumping money into Everett there is another upside. Not only will the new dealership employ up to 65 people when fully […]
Archive | October 19th, 2015
Panhandling To Be Allowed In Everett, But You Have To Be Nice
October 19, 2015
The City of Everett is changing its proposed aggressive panhandling ordinance to comply with recent court decisions that have ruled cities can’t simply outlaw panhandling or limit where a person may panhandle. That means Everett has dropped suggested limitations on panhandling at places like ATMs or lines outside of movies, concerts and sporting events. Everett […]
October 19, 2015
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