Currently there are four retail marijuana stores within the Everett city limits. A total of five are authorized by the State.
Today the newest shop to open, Mari J’s Highway Pot Shop, held its grand opening and we were invited to take a look inside.
The store is located at 9506 19th Avenue SE in the Eastmont area of Everett.
The first thing you notice as you approach the shop is a security guard. Before you’re ever allowed inside you have to show legal ID to prove you’re at least 21.
Inside the shop its bright and well lit with multiple display counters. Items offered include packaged marijuana, pipes and smoking devices, medical products, edible products and oils that can be used for making edible products at home.
There is no loose marijuana and everything is labeled and sealed. All of the marijuana sold is grown in Washington State and regulated through the Liquor and Cannabis Board.
The shop is owned by Jessica Jordan who says she’s put everything she owns into the business. “I have a really big vision and this is the first step,” said Jordan. “I’ve only seen my son for about 45 minutes a day these past few weeks as we’ve worked to get started and have our grand opening.”
Jordan says one thing they want to get across is they are like any other retail shop. She says the customers are from the local area and the neighboring business owners have been great.
“We’re going to be supportive to our community,” said Jordan.
The grand opening looked like something you’d see at any other retail store with vendors and product representatives on hand to explain their products, prize drawings and even free hot dogs and soda.
Here are a few photos so you can get an idea of what it’s like inside.
August 22, 2015
Everett, Everett Economy