They confronted two groups of people who they said had been making the park unsafe for the neighborhood.
“I live three blocks from here and when I come to the park with my kids I see drug deals, people flashing knives, fighting and I’m tired of it,” said “C” a woman who asked not to be identified.
As the bikers confronted some of the people who had been in the park there was some shoving and Everett Police were called.
There were no arrests and while the “moms” went around the park picking up bottles and trash, the bikers stood watch as the two groups that were confronted packed up blankets, backpacks and bicycles and left the park.
Another woman, “W” said she has started using Facebook and social media to try and organize people to make Everett safer.
“People are tired of being sworn at, threatened and disrespected by people who are hanging out in this park,” said “W”. “We’re going to take it back.”
Two hours later the only people in the park were the moms and bikers while several who had been run out were riding bicycles in circles and spread out through the neighborhood.
“We’ll be back tomorrow and the night after and as many nights as it takes to get word out that you can’t deal drugs and threaten people at Clark Park,” Said “C”.
Everett Police and Park Rangers have made many arrests and issued multiple trespassing warnings at Clark Park and have added extra patrols.
The City of Everett has put up a chain link fence around the gazebo in the park making it inaccessible and rendering it basically useless.
August 20, 2015
Everett, Everett Government, Police Blotter