No Surprises in Everett City Council Election Returns

August 4, 2015

Everett, Everett Government

I voted sticker

Voting is like taking a daily shower. You don’t have to but the rest of us do appreciate it.

Today was primary election day with ballots required to be postmarked today. No real surprises as the first ballot counts were released. This is just 17% of the ballots received up until today. The numbers will change as the mail in ballots are counted but the percentages between candidates will likely end up about the same.

For Everett City Council Position #4

Cassie Franklin 57.26%
Victor (Vic) Paul 8.43%
Ron Gipson 33.06%
Write-In 1.26%
Total 100.00%

For Everett City Council Position #5

Scott Bader 56.19%
Charlene N. Rawson 29.27%
Joshua (Josh) Petersen 13.58%
Write-In 0.96%
Total 100.00%

Vote totals will be updated by the Snohomish County Auditor’s Office at 5PM daily.
Snohomish County Auditor’s Office.

So for the Everett City Council ballot in the general election it looks like…

Franklin vs. Gipson in position #4

Bader vs. Rawson in position #5

Stonecipher vs. Richerson in position #6

Judy Tuohy unopposed in position #7

The General Election is set for November 3rd.

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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