If you drove down Broadway past Everett Community College and saw people with picket signs and wondered what was going on, we have your answer. During their lunch break today workers from the State DSHS offices at 840 North Broadway and Everett Community College held an informational picketing session outside of their offices and stretching south up the block to 10th street. As we drove by to take these pictures they were chanting, “Fund our raise, Time is now.” The picket lasted for about 30 minutes and then workers went back to the job.
MyEverettNews.com received an email from a worker named Naomi which said…”This is in solidarity for our need of a COLA. Haven’t had one in seven years. This is directly related to high staff turnover and lack of retention of some of our best workers. WA citizens deserve good, hard working staff to deliver services in a timely and professional manner.”
May 20, 2015
Everett, Everett Government