Update Coming Monday From Everett Community Streets Task Force

March 25, 2015

Everett, Everett Government

Editor’s Update March 26th 10:45am: The City of Everett has advised the location of the meeting has been changed to the Weyerhaeuser Room at the Everett Station, 3201 Smith Avenue.

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The city erected a fence to keep people from camping outside the north end of the Everett Gospel Mission.

The public is invited to get an update next week on progress made, and further work to do, by the Community Streets Task Force appointed by Everett Mayor Ray Stephanson last year. Here are details of Monday’s meeting…

Members of the Community Streets Task Force will reconvene at the Everett School District Community Resource Center, located at 3900 Broadway Ave., on Monday, March 30, from 4-5:30 p.m. The group will discuss the draft implementation plan, and share updates on several of the recommendations.

The task force, comprised of service providers, business owners, community members and other representatives from around Everett, began meeting in July 2014. The group met a total of nine times, and released their final report and recommendations on Nov. 13.

The goal of the task force was to develop recommendations that could be implemented by the community to address street-level social issues in Everett’s urban cores. The final report included 63 recommendations in six categories: public safety, enhanced services, housing and shelter, public understanding, interagency coordination and advocacy.

Since January, six groups of community leaders, agency and business representatives and city and county staff, have formed work groups to develop implementation plans for each of the 63 recommendations. Task force members and other community members have collaborated on the plans.

The public is welcome to attend the meeting, which will be recorded for broadcast on the Everett Channel. For meeting details, visit https://everettwa.gov/Calendar.aspx?EID=561. For more information on the task force, visit www.everettwa.gov/streetsinitiative.

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