Everett Free Tax Preparation Sites Still Have Room But Time Is Running Out

March 19, 2015


United Way Tax

A United Way Free Tax Preparation volunteer assists a customer in Snohomish County. You have until April 15 to file your taxes for free. (Photo Credit: Mike Dunn for United Way of Snohomish County.)

A great reminder from United Way of Snohomish County about free tax preparation at 3 locations in Everett…

Volunteer tax preparers have helped more than 1,300 Everett-area households file their taxes this year. The free service is one of the ways in which United Way is helping people reach and maintain financial stability.

Two months into tax season, volunteers have helped residents get back $2,662,449 in refunds including $947,434 through the Earned Income Tax Credit. The average household income for those making use of this service in Everett is a little more than $24,000 a year.

United Way has three free tax preparation centers in Everett: one at Goodwill’s South Everett Job Training and Education Center, one at North Middle School and one at South Everett Foursquare Church in Children’s Village on Casino Road.

In addition to the three Free Tax Preparation Centers in Everett United Way has also established sites in Marysville, Monroe and Lynnwood. The tax sites are staffed by IRS-certified volunteers. At each site, volunteers are able to help people in English and Spanish.

Individuals who want to file their taxes themselves can use a free website set up by United Way for Snohomish County residents. The address is http://t.uwsc.org/myfreetaxes_snoco

Since 2007, United Way volunteers have prepared over 15,000 tax returns throughout Snohomish County and have helped working families claim $26.1 million in refunds. The average income for those making use of the program is a little higher than $24,000 a year.

This year’s sponsors and partners include The Boeing Company, Washington State Department of Commerce, Goodwill, Bank of America, Edmonds Community College and the Internal Revenue Service.

What You Should Bring

Although no appointment is necessary, taxpayers must bring a picture ID; social security card or tax identification number for everyone on the return; W2s or other income statements from all employers; any 1099 forms; the name, address and tax ID number for your child care provider; records of student loan payments; records of payments for educational expenses such as college tuition; mortgage interest and property tax statements; a bank account number to receive your refund via direct deposit; last year’s tax return – if you have it; and, if you’re filing jointly, both spouses are required to be present to file electronically.

Locations and Hours


Goodwill’s South Everett Job Training and Education Center
(228 SW Everett Mall Way, Everett)

Tues., Wed., and Thurs. from 5:30 – 8 p.m.

North Middle School
(2514 Rainier Avenue, Everett)

Tues. from 5:30 – 8 p.m.; Thurs. from 5:30 – 8 p.m.; and Sat. from 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

South Everett Foursquare Church/Children’s Village
(14 E Casino Road, Suite D, Everett)

Tues., Wed., Thurs., and Fri. from 9 a.m. – 12:30 pm.

Providing free tax preparation services, encouraging people to purchase U.S. Savings Bonds and offering financial education programs are part of United Way’s overall effort to help Snohomish County families achieve and maintain financial stability.

For more information, please visit http://www.uwsc.org/freetaxpreparationcampaign.php or call 2-1-1 for information and referrals.


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