An Edmonds school bus and a Volvo collided about a mile and a half south of Everett on Highway 99 and tied up traffic in both directions for 2 hours Monday afternoon. There were no students on the bus but the driver was taken to a local hospital to be checked out while 2 passengers […]
Archive | September 8th, 2014
Commander of Naval Station Everett May Face Court-Martial
September 8, 2014
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The Navy issued the following press release today regarding the C.O. of Naval Station Everett… SILVERDALE, Wash. (NNS) — Commander, Navy Region Northwest, Rear. Adm. Jeff Ruth, will convene a Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) Article 32 hearing to determine the disposition of a criminal court-martial charge against Capt. James Duke, commanding officer of […]
2 Signs For The Big Box Retail Future in Everett, WA
September 8, 2014
Yesterday the K-Mart store at 79th and Evergreen Way closed after more than 40 years in business. On Wednesday the newest Walmart will open on Everett Mall Way at 8:00am. Feel free to share your thoughts on the future of retail in Everett in our comment section below. [ad#Google 4]
September 8, 2014
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