Citizens Silent as Everett City Council Raises Car Tab Fee $20.00

August 9, 2014

Everett, Everett Government

Everett car tabs

Get ready to pay $20 more to renew your vehicle license in 2015 if you live in Everett.

We mentioned back in June how the City of Everett was considering raising car tab fees by $20.00 for those owning vehicles within the Everett city limits. We also covered when the city formed a Transportation Benefit District made up of the Everett City Council as a whole in order to create the license tab fee legislation. Well last Wednesday evening it took the Council acting as the Transportation Benefit District just 10 minutes to pass the $20.00 fee. When Chairman Moore asked for citizen comments, there were none. The fee is set to go into effect sometime in early 2015 once the State Department of Licensing is set up to begin collections. It’s expected to raise $1.2 million dollars which the city currently says is earmarked for street preservation and pavement management. The Transportation Benefit District board will meet again in November to officially approve projects for 2015.

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