1500 Pounds of Peanut Butter a Bonus Donation to Volunteers of America in Everett

May 29, 2014


peanut butter loading

United Way of Snohomish County and VOA leaders look on as the peanut butter is wrapped up.

Peanut butter pic

1500 pounds of peanut butter is loaded onto a VOA truck.

Today the courtyard of the Snohomish County Administration Building was the scene of a unique handoff. Members representing local labor unions and the United Way of Snohomish County presented the Volunteers of America with over 1500 pounds of peanut butter. Sara Haner, from United Way of Snohomish County, explained in an e-mail to MyEverettNews.com the details behind the big peanut butter roundup…

Earlier this month, the Letter Carriers Food Drive in Snohomish County brought in over 248,000 pounds of food for local food banks. Inspired by this tremendous effort, several local labor groups have been collecting peanut butter. These groups include American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME 109), Professional and Technical Employees (PTE 17), International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW 191), the Labor Advisory Committee at United Way of Snohomish County, and the Snohomish County Labor Council.

Why peanut butter? As the end of the school year approaches, children that are enrolled in free and reduced lunch programs face uncertainty about where their summertime meals will come from. Peanut butter provides a shelf-stable protein that children can prepare at home. This nearly one ton of peanut butter is being donated to Volunteers of America Western Washington, and will be distributed to food banks throughout Snohomish County.

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