Everett Police used a sharp-nosed K-9, teamwork and a bit of help from neighbors to bust a bungling burglar Sunday night. A K-9 officer was patrolling near Nassau and Pacific when he was flagged down by a citizen reporting a burglary that just occurred. The officer saw the suspected burglar running from the scene. He […]
Archive | May 25th, 2014
A Few Sprinkles Not Slowing Cruzin Colby Crowd in Downtown Everett
May 25, 2014
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A few Sunday afternoon sprinkles haven’t kept away hundreds of car owners from the once a year chance to cruise Colby Avenue in downtown Everett. Here are a few pictures from today. The Memorial Day Show ‘N Shine is set for tomorrow from 8:00am – 4:00pm. There will be live music from the Wright Brothers […]
May 25, 2014
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