Stabbing Victim Collapses in Everett Market – 10:15PM Update

December 26, 2013

Police Blotter

Update as of Friday 2:45PM: Here is the latest from Aaron Snell at Everett Police…
The female, identified as 18 year-old Tiana S. Star-Cox of Shoreline, was booked into the Snohomish County Jail on probable cause for Assault 1 – DV. The Snohomish County Prosecutor’s Office will determine if formal charges will be filed.
The incident occurred in a red 1995 Toyota Tercel which was impounded as evidence.
During interviews with detectives, it was established that the two are in a dating relationship.
At this time there is no further information.

Update: Everett Police Spokesman Aaron Snell tells that an 18-year-old woman has been detained by detectives in connection with the stabbing. Snell says the male stabbing victim is a 25-year-old from Shoreline and has been transferred from Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett to Harborview in Seattle. His condition is listed as stable. Snell says they believe the stabbing happened in a car that was parked near the market. Detectives have secured the car and will obtain a search warrant for evidence. No word yet on the reasons behind the stabbing or the exact relationship between the woman and man. The investigation continues…

Everett, WA Police cars

Everett Police are investigating a stabbing at Everett and Maple.

Everett Police are investigating a stabbing tonight in north Everett. Everett Police Spokesman Aaron Snell tells that a man reportedly walked into the Everett Grocery at Maple and Everett avenue about 7:45pm and announced to the clerk that he had been stabbed. The man then collapsed onto the floor. The clerk gave first aid and called 9-1-1. Snell said detectives have been dispatched to the area. Police are talking with people and Snell says it may be an incident of domestic violence. The victim was taken by medic unit to an Everett Hospital and the investigation is ongoing. No word at this time on his condition. We’ll update as more information becomes available.

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