“Trust Us” Polygon Tells Everett City Council on Riverfront Project Changes

Everett Riverfront

Planning photo of the Riverfront Development.

The Everett City Council received a briefing Wednesday night from the planning department and representatives from Polygon Northwest on the Riverfront Project along the Snohomish river on the east side of Everett. Polygon Northwest bought the riverfront property from Oliver McMillan earlier this year and pledged to build homes on the site. Tonight Nick Abdelnour and Richard Rawlings of Polygon outlined the first phase of the project which involves building 175 townhouses on the Eclipse Mill site and 233 individual single family homes on the Simpson Mill site. The townhouses would sell for between 225 thousand and 300 thousand dollars while the single family homes would be priced at 325 thousand to 400 thousand for what were called “entry-level” homes and “mid-range” homes at 425 thousand to half a million dollars. A commercial development would be sited between the townhouse and single family developments. Those 408 homes are far short of the 1400 homes that the zoning for the site calls for. Abdelnour told the city council that 1400 was the maximum number of homes that could be built on the site and not the number a builder may choose to erect. Polygon’s briefing before the city council was their first step in asking for changes to the Planning Development Overlay (PDO) Zone and Development Agreement for the site. On December 17th the company will go before the Everett planning commission and ask for changes including building single family homes instead of a mix of single and multi-family, decreasing the frontage of the lots from 50 feet to 40 and 45 feet and breaking up a 3 acre park into smaller parks that total more than 3 acres. The Polygon representatives told the council that the commercial development of the site was a year or two down the road after the roofs of the houses could be seen by commercial investors. “We’re asking you to trust us,” said Abdelnour. “This will be a project that morphs over time.”

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