Everett to Give Non-Union Employees Raises in 2014

Click the logo above to see the salary schedule for 2014,
The Everett City Council is being asked to consider a salary schedule in 2014 that will give all appointed employees a 1.4% pay raise in 2014. MyEverettNews.com asked city of Everett public information director Megan Pembroke for the definition of an appointed employee.
“Appointive employees are not represented by bargaining units,” said Pembroke. “All other city employees are represented by 6 different bargaining units and those contracts are still being negotiated. Once the contracts are finalized, they’ll go before the city council for ratification of the labor agreements. The salary ordinance will be amended to include any negotiated wage changes at that time.”
The Council will consider the issue at its meeting this Wednesday with final action expected on December 11th. If you’d like to see the proposed salary schedule for all positions in the city of Everett, click here.
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City of Everett pay, Everett salaries
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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.
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December 1, 2013
Everett Government