As the Everett Coho Derby marks its 20th year, a new twist has been added. The Sportsman Channel is coming to Everett and bringing its Hunt. Fish. Feed. program. Participating derby fisherman are invited to donate their catch to the Volunteers of America food bank. Here’s more on that effort from the Sportsman Channel…
Sportsman Channel and Comcast are teaming up with the Everett Coho Derby on Saturday, September 21 and Sunday, September 22 to donate fish caught by tournament anglers to help those less fortunate in the greater Seattle area.
This event is part of Sportsman Channel’s Hunt.Fish.Feed. outreach program that taps an underutilized food source of game meat and fish donated by sportsmen to feed those struggling with hunger across America. Tournament anglers from the event will donate more than 1,000 pounds of fresh fish caught to the Volunteers of America food bank in North Everett. The fish caught will be processed thanks to the volunteers of the Everett Salmon Association and Comcast.
Mayor Ray Stephenson has proclaimed Saturday, September 21 as “Hunt.Fish.Feed. Day” and will be at the Everett Marina from 10:00 to 10:30 am.
Volunteers of America Western Washington (VOAWW) will distribute the salmon to more than 2,000 families through its food bank. “Thanks to Comcast, Sportsman Channel and the Everett Derby, we are able to help even more families in the Everett community. It’s an impactful event and we are glad to be a part of it,” said Leann Geiger, senior director of Basic Needs Services at VOAWW.
“We’re especially excited to bring our Hunt.Fish.Feed. initiative to the Seattle area and look forward to working with our partners at Comcast and the Everett Food Bank to make this a successful event,” said Gavin Harvey, CEO of Sportsman Channel. “We are committed to partnering with tournaments, such as the Everett Coho Derby, who have done so much to promote educational fishing programs in their community. Our Hunt.Fish.Feed. program is able to provide unique avenues to help the needy.”
“Comcast is thrilled to participate in and partner with Sportsman Channel on this very important event,” said, Dave Shirley vp of marketing and sales for Comcast. “This event not only provides food for people in need, but it’s a wonderful way to show how several organizations can get together to make a difference for our Everett families.”
The Everett Hunt.Fish.Feed event is part of a four city tour surrounding National Hunting & Fishing Day (NHF Day), which is Saturday, September 28. NHF Day was proclaimed a national holiday by Congress in 1972 and since that time, every President has issued a proclamation supporting it. Sportsman Channel has been the TV sponsor for NHF Day for the past four years. Other cities on the tour include Sacramento, Cal.; St. Joseph, Mo.; and Red Bank, NJ.
Join the conversation about Hunt.Fish.Feed. online at and
For more information on the Derby, visit For more information on the Everett Food Bank, visit Channel and Comcast are teaming up with the Everett Coho Derby on Saturday, September 21 and Sunday, September 22 to donate fish caught by tournament anglers to help those less fortunate in the greater Seattle area.
September 19, 2013
Events in Everett, Everett, Everett Jobs