“Street Tunes” Expands With 18 Pianos Placed Around Central Everett

Street Tunes

How many pianos will you play in Everett this month?

This year there are more pianos in more locations as the popular “Street Tunes” program expands around Everett. In addition to pianos downtown there are now pianos at the Everett Waterfront and the Everett Transit Station.

The pianos will all be available to play from Wednesday August 7th through Wednesday August 28th. “We want everyone to participate in our interactive art project and make Everett Street Tunes a memorable summer experience,” said Carol Thomas, cultural arts manager for City of Everett. “Street Tunes has been so successful the last few summers, attracting attention to local businesses and creating music throughout the city that we have added eight more pianos this year.”

You can also vote for your favorite piano. Click here for the official ballot.

Here’s the list of the various pianos and the businesses where they are located. Click here for a map of all the piano locations.

Peek by Jules Anslow, 3231 Creatives

The Scenic Route by Jody Carlson Cain, Comcast Arena

Summer Reflections by Shannon Danks, Everett Comics

The Phantom by Jeromy Sawdon, Cafe Zippy

All Star Piano Players by Cathy Tanasse, Everett LIbrary

Buccaneers! by Lyussy Hyder, Scuttlebutt Brewing Co.

Broadway Boogie Woogie by Si Newland, Under the Red Umbrella

Pianobots of the 25th Century by Mike Capp, Everpark Breezeway

Night Concerto by Anna Mastronardi Novak, Wetmore Theatre Plaza

The Jimi Hendrix Experience by Jesse James Jeter, Schack Art Center

Sun in Raven in Whale by Jane Meagher & Darrin Hess, Everett Station

Mambo Kings Sing Songs of Love by Cheri O’Brien, Sol Food

Meow Art by Cathy Tanasse, Bite Me Cupcakes

Music Leopard Lounge by Janet Wold, Sisters Restaurant & the Sno-Isle Co-op

Nature’s Melodies by Cassandra Reed, Mermald Cafe

Intertwined by Amber Forrest, Imagine Children’s Museum

Epoca Rosso by Alexander Vincini, Wicked Cellars

Pacific Coast Rocks by Melana Bontrager, Petite Sweet & J.Matheson Gifts


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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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