Here’s notice so you can plan early as the annual summer re-paving projects are announced in Everett…
Street resurfacing work will occur at various locations in the city from August through October. This includes the grinding/removal of old asphalt, installation of new traffic signal detection wires, adjustment of manholes, catch basins and utility boxes, and repaving and re-striping of roadways.The project is scheduled to begin August 15 and includes the following streets:
· 13th Street from East Marine View Drive to Chestnut Street
· Chestnut Street from 13th Street to 16th Street
· 17th Street from Lombard Avenue to Broadway
· Hewitt Avenue from Virginia Avenue to Maple Street
· Evergreen Way (full width) from Pecks Drive to 75th Street SE
· Evergreen Way (far right, northbound lane only) from Madison to 7100 block, East Casino Road to 8600 block, 100th Street SW to SW Everett Mall Way
· Glenwood Avenue from Mukilteo Boulevard to Gateway Terrace
· Merrill Creek Parkway from Seaway Boulevard to Hardeson Road
· 7th Avenue SE from East Casino Road to 88th Street SE
· 92nd Street SE from 4th Place SE to 7th Avenue SE
· 94th Street SE from 7th Avenue SE to the 800 block
The City’s contractor, CEMEX, is responsible for notifying affected homes and businesses. Signs will be posted to advise travelers of detours and street closures. Evergreen Way and Hewitt Avenue will be night work to minimize traffic disruption.
This schedule is weather dependent and adverse weather will delay the completion of the work.
August 5, 2013
Everett, Everett Government