As Weather Heats Up, Electronic Noses Being Deployed in Everett

E-Noses aren’t used for enforcement but as an additional tool to verify what the human noses are smelling.
The Puget Sound Clean Air Agency is continuing the deployment of E-Noses to measure odors in the Everett area. The E-Noses are just one piece of an odor measurement study going on in Everett thru November 13th. In addition to Electronic Noses, trained volunteers are also sniffing the air as part of a major study after numerous odor complaints were filed with the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency last year. On June 12th, Craig Kenworthy, executive director of the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency updated the Everett City Council on the status of the study saying that preliminary numbers should be available in a few weeks. Kenworthy also mentioned that the agency had recently issued two notices of violation to Cedar Grove Composting in north Everett but that until the law changes on how organic recycling is handled, the complaints will likely continue. “The recycling programs come with laudable goals but the system does not work well for the people at the end of the pipe,” said Kenworthy. City Council members and Everett Mayor Ray Stephanson expressed frustration with the ongoing odor problem and Everett City Councilman Paul Roberts called the organic recycling programs an unregulated utility with a waste stream issue. If you’d like to
learn more about E-Noses in Everett or to file an online odor complaint you can click here.
E-nose, electronic noses in Everett, Everett odor complaints, Everett odor study
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June 29, 2013
Everett, Everett Government