Hundreds of cars and thousands of people will visit downtown Everett for Cruzin to Colby Sunday and Monday
14th Annual
“Cruzin’ to Colby” Car Show
May 26 & 27, 2013
Everett, Washington
Sunday, May 26: Cruise on Colby, 1 – 5:30 pm
Open to first 400 cars to pre-register
Dance, 6:00-10:00 pm
Open to the Public $5.00 per person
The 2012 Dance will be held at our host hotel The Holiday Inn
3105 Pine Street, Everett, WA 98201 – 425-339-2000
Featuring: Wright Brothers Band
Monday, May 27: Show and Shine, 8 am – 4 pm
Wright Brothers Band, 10:00 an – 1:00 pm
Danny Vernon Illusions of Elvis http://www.dannyvernon.com/, 1:00-3:00 pm
Awards, 3:00-4:00 pm
(Free Parking in the Everpark Garage, 2815 Hoyt Ave)
The 2013 show marks the 14th year for this event. Seattle Rod-Tiques car club has hosted the Annual Cruzin’ to Colby® car show over Memorial Day Weekend in Downtown Everett since 1999. The Sunday cruise and dance were added to the event in 2003.
This show has become one of the Pacific Northwest’s premier car shows. It draws more people into the Everett downtown core than any other single event on a yearly basis. Over the 14-year history this show has brought well over 190,000 people into downtown and we have raised over $140,000.00 for local charities.
Sunday the Cruise starts at 1 pm. Up to 400 hot rods and classic cars parade down Colby Avenue, the same Colby where cruising in Downtown Everett started over 50 years ago.
Monday, the Show and Shine opens at 8 am as the streets are lined with over 40 vendors and upwards of 800 cars depending on the weather. Live entertainment goes all day at the intersection of Hewitt and Colby as all the restaurants, retail shops, and bars “strut their stuff” for all the 1000s of spectators and participants. Make your plans to attend this spectacle!!!
The Seattle Rod-Tiques, a car club based in Snohomish County, as the hosting car club makes up the event committee. Countless volunteers and sponsors from the community and the City of Everett continue to support the show.
Planning for this year’s event began back in January, anticipating this year’s version to be the biggest yet. The volunteers begin each day at 5-6 am and do not stop running until late at night…quite an effort that many of the downtown business owners are very grateful for…especially in this economy!
May 22, 2013
Downtown Everett, Events in Everett, Everett