Wanna Be Everett’s Next Mayor, Judge or Councilmember?

April 30, 2013

Everett, Everett Government

Everett Mayor Ray Stephanson

Will anyone challenge Everett Mayor Ray Stephanson this fall?

It’s almost time to file for the November election. Filing for office by mail actually started yesterday while in person and online filing begins May 13th. In Everett, Mayor Ray Stephanson is up for re-election. 3 council positions are also up as Jeff Moore, Paul Roberts and Scott Murphy will have to ask voters to return them to office. There are also two municipal court judges, Tim O’Dell and David Mitchell whose terms expire at the end of this year. Port of Everett Commissioner Position number 3, currently held by Michael Hoffman, is also on the ballot this fall.

If you’re thinking of running for office, Snohomish County Auditor Carolyn Weikel, is putting on a candidate workshop this Thursday from 6:00pm – 8:00pm at the County administration building. Topics include how to file as a candidate, getting your information into the voter’s guide, important election dates and public disclosure information.

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