Everett Foodbank to Benefit From Feinstein Challenge

March 18, 2013



Can you give to benefit the Everett Food Bank?

Volunteers of America Western Washington has a chance to raise some serious money to help the Everett Food Bank this month. Here’s an update from Ryan Pangilinan at VOA

We are pleased to announce that Volunteers of America Western Washington (VOAWW) will be participating in the 16th annual Feinstein Challenge $1 Million Giveaway To Fight Hunger!

For the last 16 years, the Feinstein Foundation has divided $1 million amongst hunger fighting agencies, and VOAWW has been one of the recipients. For every donation received that is designated to the Feinstein Challenge, cash and/or food, between March 1 and April 30, 2013, the Foundation will do a partial match. This means that your gift will have a greater impact and allow us to help even more families in need in the communities we serve.

VOAWW is responsible for several food banks, including Everett, Greenwood, Sultan, and Mill Creek, as well as the entire Snohomish County Food Distribution Center. Your contribution will help benefit the hungry people and families that rely on the services provided by these food banks.

To donate to the Feinstein Challenge, go to www.voaww.org and click our “donate” button and select “Feinstein Challenge” from the drop down menu under “Gift Designation.” We hope you will help us reach our goal of eliminating hunger in Snohomish County.

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