Everett Insurance Agent Advises Don’t Swerve – Go Ahead and Hit The Deer

March 12, 2013


Deer advice

Don’t swerve to avoid deer in the road…

It seems a bit shocking at first but with more and more deer coming into populated areas around Everett a local insurance agent says, go ahead and hit the deer. Claudia McClain explains that instead of swerving to avoid hitting a deer it may be better to go ahead and hit it. Here’s her explanation from a recent newsletter…

“First, don’t panic. Next, hold on to the steering wheel, apply the brakes, aim straight ahead, and take the deer out.

We’re serious.

Whatever you do, do not swerve to avoid the deer. Here’s why…

The most serious accidents occur when a driver swerves to get out-of-the-way of an animal and loses control of their car; striking a tree, another car, or another person.

In case of doubt, hit the deer. He won’t sue you.

If you do strike a deer remember it’s a “comprehensive” claim. This means you don’t get a chargeable accident on your driving record like you’ll get if you hit a tree or another car.”

McClain offers more advice about avoiding deer collisions here.


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