Port of Everett Wants to Get Back to the Basics in New Redevelopment Plan

June 27, 2012

Everett, Everett Economy

You’ll get a chance to see more of the plan later this summer

Here’s a release from the Port of Everett on how they plan to emphasize the Marine uses around the Port with less push for housing and retail…

Port of Everett waterfront redevelopment plan to get back-to-basics

A simplified and flexible approach is planned for the Marina District property slated for development at the Port of Everett. The Port Commission adopted a strategic direction that is intended to “get back-to-basics,” emphasizing boating services, in water activities, jobs and community access.

The adopted strategy is adaptable and flexible to meet the project goals of coordination of the marina and upland development, a full-service marina facility, a destination with “quality of place,” creates jobs and connects the community to its waterfront and emphasizes sustainable development.

The property was under a development contract before the recession hit and the developer, Maritime Trust Company, filed for bankruptcy. Since then, the Port has chosen to develop the property itself and in a different, less-dense direction.

The strategic direction, first presented to the Commission on May 8 and adopted on June 12, focuses on the Port’s core missions – boating and other water-related activities, maritime business and industry, economic opportunity, and community access.

The direction adopted by the Port Commission is a result of extensive research and public outreach efforts. In the summer of 2011, Port staff convened an ad hoc committee at the request of the Port Commission. The committee was tasked with making recommendations on updating the 2005 development program for the North Marina or Port Gardner Wharf property. Their report was used to craft the scope of work for the current planning effort.

Other input included public comments via the website, public meetings, stakeholder interviews, market research, surveys and more. GMA Research of Bellevue incorporated the nearly 1,000 pieces of feedback, and coupled with current data on user trends, perceptions and waterfront development options, helped staff shape the development strategy.

Early/Future Action Steps
The Marina District Master Plan, includes both early action items and future action items. The planning team has identified early action opportunities in the upland and in-water areas near West Marine View Drive in the old Everett Shipyard area. They include boating and other in-water activities, the creation of the “village heart” area and environmental cleanup.

Early action items include creating a “village heart” that is intended to enhance and develop a community. It is intended to include restaurants, apartments, hotels, grocers, community gathering areas, and a maritime community center. For the in-water portion, the first area of focus will be the northeast corner of the marina, which would include the removal of the shipyard railway and dredging as part of the environmental cleanup effort in that area.

The marina revitalization is a critical element and focus area of this revamped development strategy. It calls for reworking the northeast corner to include moorage for commercial vessels, guest moorage and space for other in-water activities. In the marina development, the Port plans to preserve its diverse mix of in-water uses.

Future action items are intended to include the creation of an employment center and perimeter development that will be market driven but also allow for flexibility depending on that market. The employment center ideally would support 50 jobs per acre and could include shared parking opportunities for the public.

Perimeter development will include parking improvements adjacent to the North Marina, a possible hotel and conference center development, public access and marina services. The future connectivity and the success of the South Marina will be incorporated into the Marina District Master Plan.

A public meeting is expected later this summer to report on the planning progress to date.

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