Naval Station Everett Restores Freedom Fest and Public Ship Tours June 30th

After being cancelled last year, Freedom Fest is back at Naval Station Everett. For info. call 425-304-3577

Once again this year the general public will be allowed onto Naval Station Everett for Freedom Fest. Last year the event was cancelled due to heightened security levels. Instead of the 4th of July, this year’s Freedom Fest will be held on Saturday June 30th. In addition to ship tours there will also be a car show, military displays, live music, food and a kids zone. Here’s some information provided by Naval Station Everett’s Kristin Ching…

Visitors will have the opportunity to tour a U.S. Navy Guided-Missile Destroyer, an Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate, or a U.S. Coast Guard Cutter.

Ship tours will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis, starting at 11 a.m. and continuing throughout the event every half-hour. Due to a limited number of tours available throughout the day (approx. 100/half-hour), one ship tour per guest will be allowed.

Parking and bus transportation will be available at Everett Transit Station (on 32nd St. and Smith Ave) or at the Everett Marina (on 13th and 18th St. along W. Marine View Dr.). Due to very limited parking on base, carpooling and public transportation is highly encouraged.

All visitors and vehicles should expect random airport-type screenings and should be prepared to present a photo ID upon entry.

The following items are prohibited on base: No backpacks, bags larger than purse-size, pets (excluding service animals), weapons of any kind (firearms, knives, etc.), explosives (fireworks or ammunition), coolers, or alcoholic beverages. No liquids will be permitted on the ships.

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