Boeing Employees Donate 1.8 Million Dollars in Everett Today

Robley Evans of Boeing Employee Community Fund presents a really big check to Dennis Smith, President of United Way of Snohomish County this morning at Bridgeways.
Updated 11:45am…It’s been a big day for United Way of Snohomish County as Boeing Employees officially make a donation of $1.8 million dollars ($1,859,300.00 to be exact), from their Employee Community Fund to the United Way of Snohomish County. The donation is an increase of more than $175 thousand dollars over last year’s and is the United Way of Snohomish County’s single largest contribution. The donation took place this morning at Bridgeways, an Everett based non-profit agency that serves adults living with mental illness.
“Bridgeways is an important part of the safety net within our community,” said Dr. Dennis Smith, president and CEO of United Way of Snohomish County. “There are dozens of organizations like Bridgeways and thousands of people that we’ll be able to help due to the generosity of Boeing employees. For them to increase their contribution during these tough economic times means a lot.”
The money, which will be disbursed to United Way over the course of the year, will go towards its Local Community Fund, which currently supports 102 programs through 39 individual agencies and several community-wide initiatives in Snohomish County. Funding decisions are made every three years by the organization’s three vision councils focusing on successful kids, financially stable families and healthy communities.
“We are proud to support United Way and Snohomish County,” said Robley Evans, Board Chair for the ECF. “United Way takes great care in understanding the needs of the community and targeting their investments appropriately. We know that they will be good stewards of our members’ contributions.” The Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound supports 11 United Ways in Puget Sound counties where ECF donors live and work.
Employees Community Fund of Boeing Puget Sound, United Way of Snohomish County
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December 13, 2011
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