Everett, WA Hospital to Allow Public to Test Drive Surgical Robot

October 9, 2011

Events in Everett, Everett

Providence Health Fair

FREE Hands on Health Fair this Saturday from 11a - 3p

Handle a human lung, see a heart with a bullet hole, learn new CPR techniques on talking mannequin at FREE Hands-On Health Fair.

On Saturday October 15th, Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett, WA will hold a unique free health fair where visitors can get hands on with all kinds of unique experiences. Here are just a few…

  • Cancer Jeopardy Game – play the game and win a prize, also learn how to do self exams for breast and testicular cancers
  •  Sexual Assault forensic nurses – learn how to recognize sex offender behavior
  •  Five Wishes – a legal document for advance directives and end-of-life choices
  •  Hand Hygiene – learn proper hand-washing technique then test efficiency with a special light box to see if germs have been missed
  •  Unsightly Veins – a vascular surgeon will explain new procedures and technology for painful veins
  •  Get a free Heel Scan –  to test for osteoporosis
  •  Addiction specialists – talk to nurses specially trained in drug and alcohol addiction
  •  Screenings: blood pressure, oxygen saturation, pulse, respirations
  •  Flu Shots – only $10
  •  Joint replacement – learn about arthritis, see what replacement joints look like and talk with an orthopedic surgeon

Providence Spokesperson Cheri Russum tells My Everett News how the health fair came to be, “These Health Fairs all started with a simple email to managers at Providence asking if they’d like to volunteer to set up a booth giving clinical information to our community in our new digs (the new Medical Tower). I was thinking I might get five or six people to respond…maybe some folks to check blood pressure, etc.  But the response was overwhelming from our clinical educators and doctors, they are thrilled to expand wellness to the community.  They are excited to share their knowledge and truly help people.”

Russum says the health fair is still growing, “As of today, there are 30 booths with really fun stuff going on and we’re getting more and more ideas every day on how we can help the community.  I kind of think of it as building a new house and filling it up with friends and neighbors for great conversation.  I truly believe everyone will leave saying, “I’m really glad I came!”

 The FREE Hands-On Health Fair is next Saturday, October 15 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the new Providence Cymbaluk Medical Tower, first floor concourse.

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My Everett News is a hyperlocal news website featuring news and events in Everett, Washington. We also cover City of Everett information and items of interest to those who live, work, and play in Everett.

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