Simulated Terrorist Attack at Naval Station Everett This Wednesday

October 2, 2011


Wednesday's drill includes simulated shooting and small ship attack. Image courtesy

Just a reminder that there may be more military activity than you’re used to seeing around Naval Station Everett this Wednesday. Kristin Ching, from the public affairs office, tells My Everett News that they will be conducting an exercise named ‘Reliant Defense’ which will restrict public access to the base. All access to and from the naval base will be closed between 8:30am – 12:00pm on Wednesday. The exercise will simulate an attack on the installation and during the exercise, the Emergency Operations Center on base will be activated and Navy personnel will be responding to a simulated shooter and small boat attack. Ching says, “The exercise is designed to enhance the training of Navy personnel by practicing pre-planned responses before an actual emergency.”

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