Reardon Releases 2012 Budget Proposal for Snohomish County

September 30, 2011


Snohomish County Executive Aaron Reardon released his proposed 2012 budget today. Here’s an excerpt…

“We have not raised general fund property taxes in the last seven years and this year will be no different,” Reardon said before elected leaders, County Council members, employees and the general public, “and yet our budget is balanced, our reserves are above the adopted 11-percent target, and they will continue to grow under our spending plan.”

The proposed General Fund budget for 2012 is just over $206 million – slightly higher than the 2010 budget – and is based on modest revenue projections agreed to by Council and Executive financial analysts. Across all funds, the Snohomish County budget proposal offers just less than $600 million in services and infrastructure.

The budget also establishes a sustainable spending plan that continues to grow liquidity reserves to more than 12 percent in 2012 – nearly $1.1 million. This is critical to maintaining a high-quality bond rating, to reducing the cost of county investments and to protecting core services from future economic downturns.

“This is something that today sets Snohomish County apart from other jurisdictions,” Reardon said. “By tackling the impacts of the recession as it was ongoing, we were able to position ourselves where we are today: prepared to invest in the future and provide the critical services the people of Snohomish County expect.”

The result is a 2012 proposed General Fund budget that protects services for vulnerable populations, maintains public safety – still the largest part of the General Fund budget – and allows for fund balance growth while promoting new infrastructure for job development, especially at Paine Field.

In spite of the recession, during the past eight years, more than 40,000 new jobs were created across all sectors of the economy – more than double that of Washington State or any other Puget Sound county.

In 2012, the county will continue making investments in infrastructure and facilities to increase growth in Snohomish County’s aerospace cluster centered around Paine Field and the Boeing Company.

The Snohommish County Council will now review the budget, make changes it sees fit and pass it. To view executive Reardon’s budget address click here.
If you’d like to see the 73 page budget summary click here.
Everett Mayor Ray Stephanson, will give his city of Everett budget address on November 2nd.

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