Hiring at Everett Boeing Plant to Slow as Year Ends. Ensure Your Application Stands Out.

September 23, 2011

Everett Jobs

Great Tips for filling out a Boeing job application

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I had a chance yesterday to hear Reuben Miller, who reviews job applications for the Boeing company, speak to students at the Washington Aerospace Training and Research Center at Paine Field. (I’ve been taking classes there and confirmed that I have very poor mechanical aptitude) Miller was speaking to students completing the Aerospace Assembly Mechanic certification course thru Edmonds Community College. He told the students that hiring is dropping down a little bit with 3000 jobs filled from the first of the year until now slowing to 700 jobs between now and the end of the year. Still he reviews 300 applications per day and offered some tips to get your job application noticed by screeners and forwarded for an interview.
The resumes are no longer read by computers searching for keywords. The resumes are read by real people and you must catch their attention right away with what you can do. Don’t just fill the resume with keywords and phrases you think the computer will catch. Real world experience can transfer to aerospace, if you’ve painted cars and done body work, those skills can be relevant to painting airplanes and should be highlighted. Keep the resume to one page and tell how what you know relates to the position you’re applying for. Write briefly and to the point, lengthy descriptions of irrelevant experience will likely have the resume reader quickly moving to the next resume. (Boeing receives 1.5 million resumes each year) It’s not a fast process to get hired and can take 3 – 6 weeks once you’ve been contacted for an interview. If you want to know what a particular job at Boeing pays, you can find that information on the local 751 Machinists Union website. Finally, if you do get selected for an interview, relax. Don’t let your nerves get the best of you and be prepared to use the S.T.A.R. technique when answering questions…S=Situation, T=Task, A=Action, R=Result. Describe a situation, task you faced, action you took and result in a story that relates to the question asked. Here’s a link to the Boeing career page if you’d like to try to get a job at Boeing. With 700 positions to fill by the end of the year, they’re still hiring at a much faster rate than any other employer in Everett.

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