With the primary ballots hitting the Post Office Thursday, most people in Everett got their ballots in the mail yesterday and by my math that makes today election day in Everett. Okay, technically primary election day is Tuesday August 16th but ever since we went to all mail voting, election day is whenever you want it to be as long as your ballot is postmarked by midnight on August 16th. It’s also a “Top Two” primary which means that the top two candidates who receive the most votes advance to the general election regardless of the party. In Everett, there are only three or four races on the primary ballot. County Executive, County Assessor, County Council District 2 and Everett School District Position #5. Now if for some reason you don’t want to trust your ballot to the U.S. Postal Service, you can drop your ballot off, in downtown Everett, at the drop box in front of the Snohomish County Campus at Rockefeller and Wall street or the drop box at McCollum Park in South Everett at 600 128th street. If you really hate the idea of voting by mail you can use one of the accessible voting machines inside the Snohomish County Auditor’s Office Monday – Friday from 9am – 5pm or 7am – 8pm on Tuesday August 16th. (Full disclosure, It’s my voice you hear on the recorded ballots in Snohomish County). So grab your Sunday morning coffee, study your voter’s guide and happy election day.
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July 31, 2011
Everett, Everett Government