Everett City Administration to Ask For Emergency Marijuana Ordinance – Will Allow Collective Gardens, But No Dispensaries

July 14, 2011

Everett, Everett Government

Marijuana gardens in Everett

Everett wants to allow collective gardens, but not for a year.

Next Wednesday, July 20th, the Everett City Council will be asked to consider two emergency ordinances being proposed by the City’s Administration.
The first is a land use ordinance that would allow collective gardens in certain areas of Everett that are zoned for agricultural use. The collective garden would require approval from the city of Everett’s Planning Director and only one garden would be allowed per lot. (with lot size as defined in the city’s agricultural zoning code)
The second ordinance asks the council to place a moratorium on all collective gardens for one year so the city can study the issue further.
Everett City Public Information Director Kate Reardon tells me, “We are trying to avoid people abusing the ambiguity of the law while staying true to the compassionate purposes of the law.” The reason for the request as emergency ordinances is the new State Medical Marijuana Law goes into effect on July 22nd and they would like to have this on the books immediately after the council vote on July 20th.
As far as buying, selling or trading medical marijuana within the city limits of Everett, you still can’t. Reardon tells me that as the City of Everett reads the new law, medical marijuana dispensaries are not legal and Everett does not acknowledge them.

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